
The Power of Building Your Own Home: Housing Programs in the United States

La propiedad inmobiliaria es un sueño para muchas familias. Sin embargo, hay varias vías y programas destinados a ayudar a las familias a alcanzar este objetivo. En este artículo, echaremos un vistazo a varios programas de vivienda en Estados Unidos y veremos cómo el «Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program» o «SHOP» se destaca entre ellos.

Key points

  1. Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program (SHOP): It is a program that provides funds to nonprofit organizations that help low-income families build or renovate their own homes. Families actively collaborate in construction or renovation. A prominent example of an organization that benefits from this program is Habitat for Humanity or Housing Assistance Council (HAC).
  2. Housing Choice Voucher Program: Although it is an essential program, it does NOT fund projects like SHOP. Instead, it focuses on helping families pay rent for housing in the private market, giving them the freedom to choose where to live.
  3. HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME): While SHOP focuses on construction and renovation, the HOME program provides funding to states and localities to increase the amount of affordable housing and support communities with their housing needs.
  4. National Housing Trust Fund (HTF): Another vital program, the HTF focuses on supporting the production, preservation and operation of affordable housing for low-income families. Although it serves a crucial function, it does not have the specific focus of helping families build their own homes like SHOP.

Collaboration and Empowerment

What makes the SHOP program special is its emphasis on collaboration and empowerment. Unlike other programs that may provide financing or subsidies, SHOP actively involves families in the construction process. This experience not only gives families a sense of accomplishment but also a stronger bond with their community and their new home.


The United States offers a variety of programs to help families with their housing needs. Whether through financial support, subsidies or the opportunity to build a home from scratch, there are options available for those looking for a place to call home. However, the SHOP program stands out for its unique focus on empowering families to be an active part in building their future.

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