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In the world of real estate law and lending, liens play a crucial role. A lien is a right or interest that a creditor has in a particular property until a debt is paid. But what happens when said debt is paid in full?
Imagina que eres propietario de una casa. Tomaste un préstamo hipotecario para comprarla, lo que significa que, hasta que pagues ese préstamo, el banco tiene un gravamen sobre tu propiedad. Es una especie de «garantía» para el banco: si no pagas, podrían apoderarse de la propiedad para recuperar su dinero.
Terms Options
- Satisfaction: Indicates that all obligations related to a lien have been fulfilled. The debtor has paid the debt in full.
- Completion: It simply denotes the end of a process, but not necessarily the fulfillment of the obligations of a lien.
- Release: It is a general exemption or waiver. It does not necessarily indicate full payment of a lien.
- Equity: Refers to the value of the owner's property after deducting debts and liens.
The verdict
When a lien is paid in full, there is said to have been a «Satisfaction» (Satisfaction). It is the legal and technical term that indicates that all obligations related to that lien have been satisfied, freeing the owner from any associated debt.
Comprender los términos legales y financieros es esencial para navegar adecuadamente en el mundo inmobiliario. Saber cuándo y cómo se ha logrado la «Satisfacción» de un gravamen es clave para asegurar que tus derechos y activos estén protegidos.