
Creating Agency Relationships: “Expressed Agency”, “Implied Agency” and “Ostensible Agency”

The relationship between an agent and a principal is fundamental in many business and legal transactions. Referred to as an “Agency Relationship,” it gives agents the authority to act and make decisions on behalf of principals. But how exactly is this relationship established? There are primarily three ways through which it can be created:

Creating Agency Relationships: “Expressed Agency”, “Implied Agency” and “Ostensible Agency” Read More »

Agency Law: Differentiating between “Special Agent” and “General Agent”

Within the world of real estate in the United States, the term "agency" plays a critical role in how business is conducted. It is essential for professionals and clients alike to understand the differences between a Special Agent and a General Agent in order to establish proper and successful business relationships. Special Agent A

Agency Law: Differentiating between “Special Agent” and “General Agent” Read More »

The “Team Names” in Real Estate in the United States

Introduction In August 2016, the signing of SB 710 introduced significant changes to the Real Estate Law concerning team names. That is why we want to provide clear and updated answers to the most frequently asked questions on the subject. Check out these FAQs from the DRE. What is a “Team Name”? A “team name” is a name that is used to identify a property owner or a business owner.

The “Team Names” in Real Estate in the United States Read More »

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