
The Power of Building Your Own Home: Housing Programs in the United States

La propiedad inmobiliaria es un sueño para muchas familias. Sin embargo, hay varias vías y programas destinados a ayudar a las familias a alcanzar este objetivo. En este artículo, echaremos un vistazo a varios programas de vivienda en Estados Unidos y veremos cómo el «Self-Help Homeownership Opportunity Program» o «SHOP» se destaca entre ellos. Puntos […]

The Power of Building Your Own Home: Housing Programs in the United States Read More »

The Construction Cost-Based Valuation Approach: Understanding the Cost Approach

There are various techniques and approaches used by appraisers to determine the value of a property. One of these approaches, which is based on the current construction price, is essential to understand the dynamics in areas with high construction activity. Key points What is the “Cost Approach”? It is a methodology

The Construction Cost-Based Valuation Approach: Understanding the Cost Approach Read More »

Sherman Oaks: A gem in the heart of Los Angeles

Sherman Oaks, located in the San Fernando Valley, is one of the most sought-after neighborhoods in Los Angeles, California. With its unique blend of suburban feel and access to urban amenities, it has attracted residents from all walks of life. History and General Features Founded in the 1920s, Sherman Oaks is a suburban neighborhood in the heart of Los Angeles, California.

Sherman Oaks: A gem in the heart of Los Angeles Read More »

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